Breeders & Nurseries

Growing partnerships for growing crops.

Our partnerships with our breeders are pivotal for us. They are the experts in genetics who provide us plants with the highest potential; we take those plants and under our growing systems we strive to achieve the maximum potential of the genetics.

Because we supply berries all year round, to customers from a great variety of countries, with different taste preferences, we produce many varieties of berries with distinctive characteristics and one common trait: being premium.

To accomplish that, we rely on the best breeders in the sector.

Meet the breeders

“Berrytech is very proud to partner with dynamic producers such as TSBC as its range of innovative varieties can make a significant contribution to the soft fruit market. I am firmly convinced that best genetics needs the best growers to raise up new standards.”

Diego Ioriatti,
R&D Director & Breeding Chief

“For Flevo Berry it is essential to have a meaningful relation with growers like TSBC. It provides us with the insights to continue developing our varieties and breeding programme.”

Jan van Anken,
Commercial Director

Flevo Berry

“Advanced Berry Breeding is excited to start trialling our new selections at The Summer Berry Company in both Portugal and Morocco this year. With the trialling the new selections ABB132, ABB135 and ABB136 hopefully a long-term partnership will be initiated between The Summer Berry Company and Advanced Berry Breeding. We see a high potential for our new selections to support The Summer Berry Company in producing high quality raspberries in the specific market niches for their customers in particular the autumn, winter and early spring months.”

Nico de Groot,
Sales Manager,
Advanced Berry Breeding

“I know the people from The Summer Berry Company leadership team for quite some years, and developing a long-term relationship has always been what drives our collaboration. The Summer Berry Company is one of Fresh Forward’s strategic partners and early adopters of our newest genetics. Both companies are aligned in developing a business together to satisfy consumers with the best strawberries.”

Ronnie Kersten
Concept & Commercial Manager
Fresh Forward

Breeders, Nurseries & Research Centres we’re currently working with:

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