Permanent Roles

We believe that great farms can only be created, maintained, and developed by great people.

Our permanent roles help us plan and implement a strategy that means we achieve great results, year after year.

We are always looking for talented people in many key areas: Agronomy, People & Culture, Finance, Health & Safety, Legal, Commercial, Logistics, among others.

We have a close link to the academic world, engaging in graduate programmes apprenticeships and welcoming trainee students from local universities, who have a chance to learn from our experienced colleagues and start building a career in agribusiness.

Please search our latest vacancies to enrol on this adventure with us.

Read testimonials from our team

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Agata Szewczyk
People & Culture Business Partner
Working from the UK

“I began my career as an Office Administrator, progressing into the People & Culture team and ultimately into my current position as People & Culture Business Partner. I have been working here for almost 14 years now and I can say that the company really supports people in their personal development and offers good opportunities for career progression.

I’m very passionate about my role, in particular the key areas of recruitment, people development and welfare and I am always impressed by the continuous learning opportunities, the innovations, and the constant drive to be the best.
It inspires me when I visit colleagues in the fields and see first-hand how the farm has progressed and developed over the years I have been here, and see so many familiar faces returning year on year.”

“Rozpoczełam moja karierę jako administrator biura, przechodząc nastepnie do zespołu People & Culture, a ostatecznie do obecnego stanowiska Biznes Partner. Pracuję tu już prawie 14 lat i mogę powiedzieć, że firma naprawdę wspiera ludzi w ich rozwoju osobistym i oferuje dobre możliwości rozwoju zawodowego.

Bardzo pasjonuję się swoją rolą, w szczególności kluczowymi obszarami rekrutacji, rozwoju ludzi i opieki. Zawsze jestem pod wrażeniem możliwości ciągłego rozwijania sie w firmie, wielu innowacji i ciągłego dążenia do bycia najlepszym.

Inspiruje mnie, gdy odwiedzam kolegów pracujacych przy uprawach I widze jak nasza farma rozwinela sie przez te lata kiedy tu jestem, i widzę tak wiele znajomych twarzy powracających do nas z roku na rok.”

Ovidiu Chelcea
Team Leader
Working from the UK

“My experience in this company has been very pleasant. I started at the bottom, worked hard and was offered the chance to help the company as a team leader, which I love. My favourite season is harvesting.”

“Experienta mea in aceasta companie a fost foarte placuta. Am inceput de jos, am muncit din greu si mi s-a oferit sansa de a ajuta compania ca lider de echipa, lucru pe care iubesc. Sezonul meu preferat este recoltarea.”

Rita Bravo
People & Culture Specialist
Working from Portugal

“Ever since I joined TSBC, I have felt the welcoming environment between departments. I understood that it would be a very challenging and motivating project, in which I would have the freedom to explore new solutions, invest in innovation and, most importantly, I felt that I would have space to make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and grow.

My initial impressions remain the same today. Every day I work with a team that is always willing to do more and better than the day before. Despite the challenges, we manage to improve the work experience of our employees, increase their productivity levels and, consequently, improve our results. At the same time, I realize that my effort is rewarded and that I continue to be encouraged to give my opinions.”

“Desde que entrei na TSBC, senti um ambiente acolhedor entre os vários departamentos. Percebi desde logo que seria um projeto muito desafiador e motivante, no qual eu teria liberdade para explorar novas soluções, investir em inovação e, mais importante, senti que teria espaço para errar, aprender com os erros e crescer.

As minhas impressões iniciais estavam certas. Trabalho todos os dias com uma equipa que está sempre disposta a fazer mais e melhor do que no dia anterior. Apesar dos desafios, conseguimos melhorar a experiência de trabalho dos nossos colegas, aumentar os seus níveis de produtividade e, consequentemente, melhorar os resultados da empresa. Ao mesmo tempo, sinto que o meu esforço é recompensado e que continuo a ser incentivada a sempre dar a minha opinião.”

Gobind Sharma
Husbandry Manager
Working from Portugal

“I started working in Husbandry, first as a general worker and then as a supervisor, coordinator and finally as a manager. I feel very proud to be part of this company, not only because it recognises my potential, but because it helps me develop my skills and the skills of the colleagues around me. I very much like our happy family culture and I will always recommend people to join and be a part of this family. If you have potential, you’ll be given a chance to grow your career.”

“मैले पहिले सामान्य कार्यकर्ताको रूपमा काम सुरु गरे र त्यसपछि पर्यवेक्षक, संयोजक र अन्तमा प्रबन्धकको रूपमा काम गर्न थालेँ। म यस कम्पनीको हिस्सा हुन पाउँदा धेरै गर्व महसुस गर्छु, किनभने यसले मेरो क्षमतालाई चिन्ने मात्र होइन, तर यहाँबाट मलाई मेरो सीप र मेरो वरपरका सहकर्मीहरूको सीप विकास गर्न मा पनि मद्दत भयो। मलाई हाम्रो कम्पनीको सुखी पारिवारिक संस्कृति धेरै मन पर्छ र म सधैं मानिसहरूलाई यो परिवारमा सामेल हुन र एक हिस्सा बन्न सिफारिस गर्छु। यदि तपाईंसँग सम्भाव्यता छ भने, यहाँ तपाईले आफ्नो क्यारियर बढाउने मौका पाउनुहुनेछ”